Advocating for Sustainable Packaging: Insights from IGD and Anthesis

Fiona Powell, Head of Sustainability at IGD, and Sophie Lees-Millais, Principal Consultant at Anthesis, are set to deliver a joint presentation at Empack in Birmingham on February 21. Their aim is to advocate for a comprehensive, all-materials approach to sustainable packaging within the industry.

IGD, known as a crucial partner to the food and consumer goods sector, embarked on a significant journey three years ago to address the environmental impact of packaging. Collaborating with stakeholders across the packaging value chain, they formulated an ambitious goal: to halve the environmental impacts of UK packaging systems by 2030. This ongoing effort underscores their commitment to fostering sustainable practices within the industry.

Fiona Powell emphasized the importance of engaging the entire value chain in tackling packaging-related environmental challenges, urging stakeholders to consider all packaging materials and their broader environmental implications.

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Sophie Lees-Millais echoed this sentiment, emphasizing the necessity of adopting a holistic approach to assessing the environmental impact of packaging materials. She stressed that reducing the environmental footprint across various metrics such as climate impact, water usage, land use, and resource consumption is essential for achieving sustainable production and consumption systems.

IGD’s collaboration with Anthesis aims to provide businesses with clear insights into addressing packaging sustainability challenges at scale. In March, they plan to release a co-developed business case for sustainable packaging, accompanied by calls to action for businesses and policymakers to drive the adoption of more sustainable packaging systems.

At the Empack conference, Fiona and Sophie will delve into the approach and implications of their ambitious sustainability goal. They will be joined by representatives from organizations like Defra, Heineken, Dyson, and Ocado, fostering discussions and inspiring positive change within the industry.

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